Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Most Holy Trinity

Belief in God's word is a necessary preliminary to the vision of God. As St Paul says this belief must be at least an explicit or conscious belief in the existence of God and in the fact that God rewards those who seek Him. St Thomas adds that the object of faith also includes the means to happiness which is Incarnation. Therefore, an explicit belief in Incarnation is also necessary. Since the Incarnation cannot be believed in explicitly without believing in the Trinity - for how can a man believe the Second Person of the Trinity became man unless he believes in the mystery of the Trinity - it follows that the belief in the Trinity is also required for the attainment of the vision of God. By accepting these truth in faith man begins to learn to know God as He really is.

after "My Way of Life - The Summa Simplified"

Canticle of Love
Come, kings of the earth, to Love; come and adore my Love
I sing of our Creator's power and glory; come let us adore Him.
For we are the work of His hands, the price of His Blood.
There is no one like to God; come let us adore Him.
Stop not at the things of the earth, for they are nothing; pass to their Maker's praise.
Come, all dwellers on the earth, for they are nothing; pass by the passing things on earth.
And remembering we are only pilgrims, come in adoration to our Father and King.
Fall down before the Creator of all and offer Him your hearts.
praise and bless Him, sing with lips and heart! There is no one like You, Lord.
Let us adore the Trinity, One God, mystery unfathomable;
Three immensities making only one power; come and adore.
His anger is terrible; come, let us adore Him.
The fiercest of wild beast tremble before Him; come, sinners, let us adore Him.
His tenderest goodness is for souls who seek after Him; come , you upright, and adore Him.
All creation bows down with rejoicing before Him; come, all, and adore Him.

O my God, my God! If my eye is going to offend You, pluck it out, or I shall pluck it out myself. If my hands, my feet, my tongue are going to offend you, cut them off. Break my body with pains the most intolerable rather than allow any of my members to offend you.

after "The Thoughts of Sister Mary of Jesus Crucified"