Wednesday, December 06, 2006


"My Imitation of Christ"
by Thomas a Kempis
Revised translation edited by Confraternity of the Precious Blood, Imprimatur Thomas Edmundus Molloy, Archbishop of Brooklyn, 1954

Book One - useful admonishes for a Spiritual Life

CHAPTER 14Avoiding Rush judgment

1. Turn thy eyes back upon thyself and see thou judge not the doings of others. In judging others a man labours in vain, often errs, and easily sins; but in judging and looking into himself he always labours with fruit. We frequently judge of a thing according as we have it at heart: for we easily lose true judgment through a private affection. If God were always the only object of our desire we would not so easily be disturbed at the resistance of our opinions.

2.But often something lies hid within, or occurs without, which draws us along with it. Many secretly seek themselves in what they do, and are not sensible of it. They seem also to continue in good peace when things are done according to their will and judgment; but if it fall out contrary to their desires they are soon moved and become sad. Difference of thoughts and opinions is too frequently the source of dissensions amongst friends and neighbours, amongst religious and devout persons.

3. An old custom is with difficulty relinguished; and no man is led willingly farther than he himself sees or likes. If thou reliest more upon thine own reason or industry than upon the virtue that subjects to Jesus Christ thou wilt seldom and hardly be an enlightened man: for God will have us to be perfectly subject to Himself and to transcend all reason by inflamed love.