God wants us to love Him like children love their natural fathers, in childlike manner. Our Lord instructed us to address God: 'Our Father'. It is true that in times of Old Testament, God was known as a just, lawgiving and almighty judge. In the New Testament, however, He revealed Himself as loving, merciful and forgiving Father who told us: 'Thus therefore shall you pray: Our Father '(Matt 6:9). Lord Jesus also encouraged us to pray with trust and confidence for the remission of sins. Jesus healed sinner suffering from palsy because He was touched by deep faith of those who brought to Him the helpless and sick old man: 'Be of good heart, son, thy sins are forgiven' (Matt 9:2). Remarkably, Jesus granted remission of sins with no confession nor penance on the side of sick man. It seems like turning point, in Christianity the core of religion is total trust in God's mercy and love for poor sinners. We cannot see in Him only stern Lord and Judge and our imperfections and faults should make us even more hopeful and trusting in help of merciful Father. Moreover, trustful surrender can induce desire of union with God through mutual charity. God's love is also educational, and God the Son gives us example in this passage: Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and so to enter into his glory? ( Luke 24:26). God proves His love through suffering, and in this gentle way He detaches us from things of this world and leads us to higher perfection and into Heaven. Childlike simplicity is pleasing to God because He is worthy of trust like this. It is helpful to see Majesty of God and His Religion in proper dimension but in the same time allows us to remain humble, little and happy, like a child. Let us remember consoling words of St Paul: For you have not received the Spirit of bondage again in fear; but you have received the spirit of adoption of sons, whereby we cry: Abba (Father)(Rom 8:15)
This meditation brings to mind the core of Catholic faith, the adoption as God's children through Our Lord Jesus.
Today's picture is "God, the Father blessing" by Raphael