Sunday, December 16, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
While some people were speaking about how the temple was adorned with costly stones and votive offerings, he said,
All that you see here--the days will come when there will not be left a stone upon another stone that will not be thrown down.
Then they asked him, "Teacher, when will this happen? And what sign will there be when all these things are about to happen?"
He answered, "See that you not be deceived, for many will come in my name, saying, 'I am he,' and 'The time has come.' Do not follow them!
When you hear of wars and insurrections, do not be terrified; for such things must happen first, but it will not immediately be the end."
Then he said to them, "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
There will be powerful earthquakes, famines, and plagues from place to place; and awesome sights and mighty signs will come from the sky. (St Luke, 21:5-11)
In place of Solomon's temple, Christ has built a temple of living stones, (1Pt 2;5) the communion of saints. At its center, he stands as the eternal high priest; on its altar he is himself the perpetual sacrifice. And, in turn, the whole of creation is drawn into the "liturgy": the fruits of the earth as the mysterious offerings, the flowers and the lighted candlesticks, the carpets and the curtain, the ordained priest, and the anointing and blessing of God's house.
Not even the cherubim are missing. Fashioned by the hand of the artist, the visible forms stand watch beside the Holy of Holies. And, as living copies of them, the monks resembling angels surround the sacrificial altar and make sure that the praise of God does not cease, as in heaven so on earth... Their morning hymns of praise call all of creation together to unit once more in praising the Lord: mountains and hills, streams and rivers, seas and lands and all that inhabit them, clouds and winds, rain and snow, all peoples of the earth, every class and race of people, and finally also the inhabitants of heaven, the angels and the saints (cf. Dan 3,57-90)... We are to unite ourselves through our liturgy to the eternal praise of God. “We”, here, refers not just to the consecrated religious who are called to give solemn praise to God, but to all Christian people. (St Benedicta of the Cross, Edith Stein, OCD)
The picture represents interior of the Parish Church in Oberammegau, Bavaria. Oberammegau is the only place holding Papal license to stage the Christ Passion Play every ten years since 17th century. The Mass on the picture was celebrated by Scottish Cardinal, Keith O'Brien (May, 2010)
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
The Holy Name of Mary
…the angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth,
To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David: and the virgin's name was Mary. And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. Who having heard, was troubled at his saying and thought with herself what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God. (Luke 1:26)
Fain would I sing, O Mother blest! the reasons why I love thee;
Why e’en to name thy name, with joy, O Mary! fills my heart;
And why the glorious thoughts of thee, in greatness far above me, inspire no fear within my soul, so dear and sweet thou art.
Yet, if I were to see thee now, in majesty stupendous,
Surpassing all the crowned saints in highest heaven above,
Scarce could I dream I am thy child, (O truth sublime tremendous!),
For I should think myself to be unworthy of thy love.
The mother, who desires to be her child’s best earthly treasure,
Must ever share its grief with it, must understand its pain.
Why e’en to name thy name, with joy, O Mary! fills my heart;
And why the glorious thoughts of thee, in greatness far above me, inspire no fear within my soul, so dear and sweet thou art.
Yet, if I were to see thee now, in majesty stupendous,
Surpassing all the crowned saints in highest heaven above,
Scarce could I dream I am thy child, (O truth sublime tremendous!),
For I should think myself to be unworthy of thy love.
The mother, who desires to be her child’s best earthly treasure,
Must ever share its grief with it, must understand its pain.
From 'Why I love thee of Mary' (Last poem of St Terese)
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Feast of St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
O Prince of Peace, to all who receive You, You bring light and peace. Help me to live in daily contact with You, listening to the words You have spoken and obeying them. O Divine Child, I place my hands in Yours, I shall follow You. Oh, let Your divine life flow into me. (St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Carmelite Meditation)
Friday, June 01, 2012
Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed be God.
Blessed be His holy name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.
Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Blessed be His most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the most holy sacrament of the altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.
Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, virgin and Mother.
Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in His angels and in His saints.
Amen. (Divine Praises)
Sunday, May 27, 2012
'O consuming Fire, Spirit of Love! Come down into me and reproduce in me, as it were, an incarnation of the Word; that I may be to Him an added humanity, wherein He may renew all His mystery!' (St Elizabeth of the Trinity)
Sunday, May 13, 2012
May 13 - First Apparition in Fatima, 1917
I Am from Heaven -
"...In the Cova da Iria....we saw what seemed to be a flash of lightning. (...) There before us on a small oak tree, we beheld a Lady all dressed in white. She was more brilliant than a crystal glass filled with sparkling water, when the rays of the burning sun shine through it. ... 'Do not be afraid. I will do you no harm. (...) I am from heaven. (...) I am here to ask you to come here for six months in succession, on the 13th day, at this same hour. Later on, I will tell you who I am and what I want. Afterwards, I will return here yet a seventh time.' (...) 'Will I go to heaven too?' 'Yes, you will.' 'And Jacinta?' 'She will go also.' 'And Francisco?' 'He will go there too, but he must say many Rosaries.' 'Are you willing to offer yourselves to God and bear all the sufferings He wills to send you, as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and as an act of supplication for the conversion of sinners?' (...)'Then you are going to have much to suffer, but the grace of God will be your comfort.' We fell on our knees, repeating in our hearts: 'O Most Holy Trinity, I adore You! My God, my God, I love You in the most Blessed Sacrament!' ... Our Lady spoke again: 'Pray the Rosary every day, in order to obtain peace for the world, and the end of the war.'" (Sister Lucia's description of the first apparition of Our Lady on May 13, 1917)
Biographical note:
Young Lucia (first on the right, picture above) entered the Institute of the Sisters of St. Dorothy as a postulant in the convent in Tuy, Spain in 1924. She made her first vows in 1928, and her perpetual vows in 1934, receiving the name Sister Maria das Dores (Mary of the Sorrows). She returned to Portugal from Spain in 1946. On her return she visited Fatima and in March 1948 after receiving special papal permission to be relieved of her perpetual vows, she entered the Carmelite convent of St. Teresa in Coimbra where she resided until her death. She made her profession as a Discalced Carmelite on May 31, 1949, taking the name Sister Maria Lúcia of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart.
"...In the Cova da Iria....we saw what seemed to be a flash of lightning. (...) There before us on a small oak tree, we beheld a Lady all dressed in white. She was more brilliant than a crystal glass filled with sparkling water, when the rays of the burning sun shine through it. ... 'Do not be afraid. I will do you no harm. (...) I am from heaven. (...) I am here to ask you to come here for six months in succession, on the 13th day, at this same hour. Later on, I will tell you who I am and what I want. Afterwards, I will return here yet a seventh time.' (...) 'Will I go to heaven too?' 'Yes, you will.' 'And Jacinta?' 'She will go also.' 'And Francisco?' 'He will go there too, but he must say many Rosaries.' 'Are you willing to offer yourselves to God and bear all the sufferings He wills to send you, as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and as an act of supplication for the conversion of sinners?' (...)'Then you are going to have much to suffer, but the grace of God will be your comfort.' We fell on our knees, repeating in our hearts: 'O Most Holy Trinity, I adore You! My God, my God, I love You in the most Blessed Sacrament!' ... Our Lady spoke again: 'Pray the Rosary every day, in order to obtain peace for the world, and the end of the war.'" (Sister Lucia's description of the first apparition of Our Lady on May 13, 1917)
Biographical note:
Young Lucia (first on the right, picture above) entered the Institute of the Sisters of St. Dorothy as a postulant in the convent in Tuy, Spain in 1924. She made her first vows in 1928, and her perpetual vows in 1934, receiving the name Sister Maria das Dores (Mary of the Sorrows). She returned to Portugal from Spain in 1946. On her return she visited Fatima and in March 1948 after receiving special papal permission to be relieved of her perpetual vows, she entered the Carmelite convent of St. Teresa in Coimbra where she resided until her death. She made her profession as a Discalced Carmelite on May 31, 1949, taking the name Sister Maria Lúcia of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart.
credit: main text after 'A Moment with Mary'
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
"And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life." (Jn 3:15)
My Lord, God,
You have led me by a long, dark path,
Rocky and hard.
Often my strength threatened to fail me.
I almost lost all hope of seeing the light.
But when my heart grew numb with deepest grief,
A clear star rose for me.
Steadfast it guided me- I followed,
At first reluctant, but more confidently later.
At last I stood at Church's gate.
It opened. I sought admission.
From your priest's mouth Your blessing greets me.
Within me stars are strung like pearls.
Red blossom stars show me the path to You.
They wait for you at Holy Night.
But your goodness
Allows them to illuminate my path to You.
They lead me on.
The secret which I had to keep in hiding
Deep in my heart,
Now I can shout it out:
I believe, I profess!
The priest accompanies me to the altar:
I bend my face,
Holy water flows over my head.
Lord, is it possible that someone who is past
Midlife can be reborn (Jn 3:4)?
You said so, and for me it was fulfilled,
A long life's burden of guilt and suffering
Fell away from me.
Erect I receive the white cloak,
Which they place round my shoulders,
Radiant image of purity!
In my hand I hold a candle.
Its flame makes known
That deep within me glows your holy life.
My heart has become your manger,
Awaiting you,
But not for long!
Maria, your mother and also mine
Has given me her name.
At midnight she will place her newborn child
Into my heart.
Ah, no one's heart can fathom,
What you've in store for those who love you (1Cor 2:9).
Now you are mine, and I won't let you go.
Wherever my life's road may lead,
You are with me.
Nothing can ever part me from your love (Rm 8:39).
St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, 'Holy Night' Poem)
St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, 'Holy Night' Poem)
Text after DGO, picture represents 'Nicodemus seeks Jesus by night' by Alexander Bida
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Low Sunday and Divine Mercy - invitation to spiritual childhood
Today, the newly baptized at the close of Easter week laid aside the white garment which they had received at the baptismal font. To them St Peter (1P2:2) addressed his affectionate recommendation: "As newborn babes, desire the pure spiritual milk". These words are also applied to us, cradle Catholics. Although we were baptised as infants, we can say that every Easter regenerates us in Christ by means of our spiritual resurrection in Him. Therefore, we also must be like "newborn babes", in whom there is no malice, deceit, pride and presumption, but only candour and simplicity, confidence and love. This is wonderful invitation to the spiritual childhood which Jesus told us is indispensable condition for attaining salvation: "Unless you be converted and became as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Mt 18:3). Each wave of grace purifies and cleanses our soul from sin and its roots, giving us rebirth to a new life in Christ, a pure, innocent life, which craves only "the pure spiritual milk" of the doctrine of Christ, His love and His grace. In this spirit we can see connection between Traditional Low Sunday and Divine Mercy Sunday. It is a matter of conversion of heart.
"O Lord, grant me true purity and simplicity: in my looks, words, heart, intentions, works, and in all my interior and exterior acts. I should like to know, O Lord, what there is in me that impedes these virtues. I shall tell you, O my soul, since I cannot make anyone else understand. Do you know that the obstacle is the smallest glance that is not directed to God, and all the words that are not spoken in praise of Him or for the benefit of your neighbour. Do you know how you drive these virtues out of my heart? You banish them every time you fail to have the pure intentions of honouring God or helping your neighbour; you also expel them when you try to cover up and excuse your faults, forgetting that God sees everything, including your heart. O Lord, give me real purity and true simlicity, for You cannot find Your rest in a soul which is without them" (St Mary Magdalen de Pazzi).
Main text adopted from "Divine Intimacy" by Fr Gabriel of St Mary Magdalen, OCD
The picture represents engraving of St Mary Magdalen de Pazzi.
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The picture represents engraving of St Mary Magdalen de Pazzi.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
The War of Vendee - a new Catholic movie by Navis Pictures, click for website
Perfect picture for Lent, great project, the movie is available now on dvd, all cast is by young Catholics. The movie features the epic story of resistance to insane terros and persecutions of Catholicism by French revolutionaries. The resistance, inspired by the preaching of St Louis de Monfort, eventually won the end of Church persecution in France. This movie was made to honour the memory of those who decided to resist terror and fight for their religious freedom. If you would like to support this project and the future projects to come, you may buy this dvd.
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Monday, February 06, 2012
Now if, when Jesus went about in the world, the mere touch of his robes cured the sick, why doubt, if we have faith, that miracles will be worked while he is within us and that he will give what we ask of him since, in eucharistic communion, he is in our house? His Majesty is not accustomed to paying poorly for his lodging if the hospitality is good. If it pains you not to see him with your bodily eyes, consider that seeing him so is not fitting for us...
But our Lord reveals himself to those who he sees will benefit by his presence. Even though they fail to see him with their bodily eyes, he has many methods of showing himself to the soul, through great interior feelings and through other different ways. Be with him willingly; don't lose so good an occasion for conversing with him as is the hour after having received Communion. (St Teresa, The Way of Perfection)
Picture 'The Vision of St Teresa' by Alonso Cano, adopted from Idlle Speculation blog
Quotation after DGO
Saturday, February 04, 2012
St Andrew Corsini, OCarm
"This Andrew was born at Florence, of the noble family of Corsini. His birth was a special answer to prayer, and his parents vowed him to the Blessed Virgin. God foreshewed even before his birth what he was to be. While his mother was great with child she dreamt that she brought forth a wolf, which ran to the Carmelite Church and was changed into a lamb as soon as it reached the porch. The boy was brought up in godliness and learning becoming his rank, but turned to bad courses ; whereupon his mother often rebuked him. Nevertheless, when he knew how his parents had vowed him to the Maiden Mother of God, the love of God touched his heart, and the vision of his mother moving him, he betook himself to the Institute of the Carmelites. In that place the devil exercised him with many and divers temptations, but could not break him off from his determination to profess as a friar. He was soon after sent to Paris, where he finished his studies at the University, and took his degree ; after which he returned to his own country, and was set over the houses of his order in Tuscany". From Breviary Lesson"
May this short biography of St Andrew Corsini offers hope and encouragement to pious mothers praying for their children.
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