Septuagesima Week. "In the steps of humility" by St Bernard of Clairvoux
Here in the outline is a scheme showing the degrees of humility:
12th degree of humility - is to show humility of heart and behaviour by always having the head bowed down and the eyes cast down.
11th degree of humility - A monk sould speek in few and sensible words, gently, and without laughter.
10th degree of humulity - He should not be ready to laugh and giggle at the slightest provocation.
9th degree of humility - He should not speak until he is questioned.
8th degree of humility - He should obey the common rule of the monstery.
7th degree of humility - He should declare himself lower and of less account than all others, and should in his own inmost heart believe it.
6th degree of humility - He should esteem himself unworthy and useless in all respects.
5th degree of humility - He should humbly confess any sins that he has commited.
4th degree of humility - He should be very patient as, in obedience, he meets with difficulties and contradictions.
3rd degree of humility - He should subject himself in all obedience to his superiors.
2nd degree of humility - He should not love his own will, nor delight in fulfiling his own desires.
1st degree of humility - He should, out of a good and holy fear of God, keep himself from sin throughout each day of his life.
The first two steps (of humility) we should climb before entering upon monastic life, but for the third step and all the rest, we must place ourselves under the care and guidance of a superior.