Thursday, July 09, 2020

Bl Jane Scopelli, click to read

Giovanna Scopelli was born in 1439, in Reggio Emilia, Italy. She lived with her parents and cared for them into their old age, while leading a simple life of prayer. During this time she became a Carmelite 'mantellata' (member of a Carmelite lay confraternity, wearing the white cloak or mantella). After the death of her parents in 1480, she joined a group of like-minded women to form a community of prayer. Five years later, she aquired for the community a house and church of St Bernard of the Humiliati, which she transformed into monastery that became commonly known as the 'White Nuns'. Two years later, the community was affiliated to the Carmelite Manutan Congregation which had grown to 20 members with Jane serving as a prioress. She is remembered as living out an intense Marian piety and spirit of penance throughout her life as she cared for her parents and in her work establishing a Carmelite monastery. She died on 9th July 1491. (text after Universalis)