Friday, March 20, 2009

Good and bad news from SPUC

Some news from SPUC. Particularly disturbing is to me the news about couple who is suing hospital for feeding their ill daughter against their wishes.

The Catholic Church in Spain is campaigning against the liberalisation of the country's abortion law. The bishops' conference pointed out that plants and animals had more rights than unborn children. There are already 100,000 abortions a year, most supposedly performed because of danger to the mother's psychological health. [Earth Times, 17 March] Bishop Demetrio Fernández of Tarazona said politicians who supported the new law could not consider themselves Christian. [Catholic News Agency, 17 March] Some 300 academics have signed a declaration opposing the proposed changes. A church advertising campaign contrasts a vulnerable child with a protected species of wild animal. [Fides/IBC on Independent Catholic News, 18 March]

A couple in Canada are suing a hospital for $3.5 million for allegedly giving food and drink to their baby daughter against their wishes. Mr Stephane Mantha and Ms Marie-Eve Laurendeau say that in 2007 they agreed that Montreal Children's Hospital should disconnect a respirator and stop giving fluid by tube to Phébé Mantha who was very ill. The girl was found to be able to breathe on her own and the hospital resumed giving food and water. The parents claim only a court could countermand their decision. The child survives and the case continues. [LifeSiteNews, 17 March]

An economics professor has said that the British government's £250 million teenage pregnancy strategy is failing. Dr David Paton of Nottingham University told a meeting of legislators and political officials that sexually transmitted disease had increased and teenage pregnancy rates were not falling as quickly as had been planned. Mr Tom Harris, Labour MP for Glasgow South, has said that the government has failed to give moral guidance to young girls. [Christian Institute, 18 March]

Catholic schools in north-west England last week boycotted a national fundraising event (Comic Relief) in obedience to their bishop who forbade support for organisations which support abortion. Some schools did raise money but they did not send it to Comic Relief, in line with an instruction from Rt Rev Patrick O'Donoghue, Bishop of Lancaster. Comic Relief denies involvement with abortion. [Whitehaven News, 18 March] Comic Relief actually gives massive financial support to groups which promote the legalisation of abortion in Africa and worldwide. [John Smeaton, 1 March]