Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola - click to read previous posts

Saint Ignatius of Loyola spent nine months in convalescence from March 1522 to February 1523, in Manresa, close to the Benedictine monastery of Montserrat in Spain, in the diocese of Barcelona, due to a war wound. Ignatius had a vision that he shared in his autobiography.

One night, he was awoken and he saw the Blessed Virgin with the Holy Child; during this vision, which lasted a good length of time, he received great spiritual consolation and the memory of his past life became very distasteful to him, especially the things concerning the flesh. He had the impression that all the images that had been imprinted in his heart before had been completely removed. From that moment until August 1533, when he wrote these words, he never again gave even the smallest consent to the things of the flesh. Without indicating the origin of this vision, he simply recorded the fruits, which in their sobriety, were never doubted. ('Dictionary of Apparitions')

credit: quoted after 'A Moment with Mary', picture represents Black Madonna of Montserrat, Spain. To visit the breathtaking photo gallery of Montserrat shrine, click HERE

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Sunday, July 07, 2024

St John of the Cross Novena to Our Lady of Mt Carmel, 7-15th of July

Prayer for every day
Immaculate Virgin and Queen of Carmel, thou art the hope of the sufferer and the consolation of the afflicted. Look not upon my sins, but remember only that I am apoor soul redeemed by the Precious Blood of thy Son, and that my heart is sealed with thy holy scapular. Hear my prayer and if it be for the glory of God, thy honour and for the salvation of my soul, grant what I ask in this novena. Amen

July 7
First Day Prayer: The beauty of Carmel and the glory of Lebanon are given to Thee in thy Immaculate Conception, O Blessed Queen of Carmel! I also rise from the sea of this world, not like thee all pure and immaculate, but loaded with sin. Help me, look upon me with these eyes of mercy. Amen. Hail Mary (three times)

Flower of Carmel,
Blossoming vine
Splendour of heaven
Mother divine
None like to thee!
Mother of meekness
Peerless thou art
To the Carmelites
Favours impart,
Star of the sea!

July 8
Second Day Prayer:  I give thanks to thee, O Virgin Mother of Carmel, for the gift of the holy scapular, the sign of thy confraternity. O my Mother, make me worthy to wear that sacred livery and may my heart ever be pure, free from every stain of sin. Amen. Hail Mary (three times)

Flower of Carmel etc

July 9
Third Day Prayer: Virgin Mother of Carmel, remember me who am consecrated to thee by the holy scapular I place my trust in thee, O flower of Carmel, fruitful vine, ever Immaculate Queen, O Mother mild, implore thy Son to hear my prayer now and at the hour of my death. Amen. Hail Mary (three times).

Flower of Carmel etc 

July 10
Fourth Day Prayer: I thank thee, my Lady and Mother, for the gift of thy holy scapular. Thou knowest well my weakness and my malice, but I trust in thee and under thy protection I take refuge. O holy Mother of Mt Carmel, despise not my petition in my necessities, but deliver me from all danger. Amen. Hail Mary (three times).

Flower of Carmel etc 

July 11
Fifth Day Prayer: Queen and Beauty of Carmel, thy glance is love, hope, and sweetness. As the rays of the sun colour the flowers, so also thy glance gives to the soul strength and beauty. May I remain ever before thee, my Mother, turn thine eyes of mercy on me. Amen. Hail Mary (three times).

Flower of Carmel etc 

July 12
Sixth Day Prayer: O my dear Mother of Carmel, I love thee more than I can express, more than my very soul can conceive. I reverence thee, I praise thee, O sacred Virgin, whose chaste womb bore the Son of the Most High God. Bless me and deliver me from all evil. Amen. Hail Mary (three times)

Flower of Carmel etc 

July 13
Seventh Day Prayer: Most loving Virgin of Carmel, I acknowledge gratefully thine immense goodness toward me, hear my prayer and after this exile, show unto me the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O most clement, O most loving, O most sweet Virgin Mary. Amen. Hail Mary (three times)

Flower of Carmel etc 

July 14
Eight Day Prayer: O Mother of Carmel, when my last hour shall sound, when I shall take thy holy scapular into my trembling hands, fill my heart with confidence in it, and do thou, my loving Mother, receive my soul and offer it to thy sweet Jesus. Amen. Hail Mary (three times)

Flower of Carmel etc 

July 15
Ninth Day Prayer: O Mary, most holy Mother of Carmel, Virgin of virgins, sanctuary of the Blessed Trinity, mirror of angels, assured refuge of sinners! have compassion on me in my suffering, listen to my sighs with clemency and appease the anger of thy Son. Amen. Hail Mary (three times)

Flower of Carmel etc

Text from 'Carmelite Devotions and Prayers'
Alternative Novena Prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel here
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