Saturday, May 09, 2009

Saturday, Our Lady's Day - Mary, the Virgin Mother of God

As is the case with every mother, her life is closely interwoven with the life of her Divine Son. She bore Him in her womb. She gave birth to Him at Betlehem, in fulfilment of the ancient prophecy. She fled with Him to Egypt to escape the murderous wrath of Herod. She lived with Him for years in the obscurity of Nazareth. She asked Him to perform His first miracle in His public ministry. She was with Him on Calvary. On Calvary, in obedience to the will of God, she renounced her maternal rights to the life of her Son, her rights to His continued filial love and care in this world. She offered her own maternal agony to God for the salvation of men. In union with Christ, she offered the life of her Son for the redemption of man. in this way she merited the right to dispense all God's graces to men to the end of time. After her own death, her Divine Son, because of His filial love for her, raised her body from death and she was assumed body and soul into heaven. In heaven she reigns as the Queen of angels and men.
When we consider the unique position given by God to Mary, when we reflect on the great privilages God has granted Mary, then we are not surprised at the great devotion of Catholics to Mary. If God has so honoured Mary, can we do less? Since all her privileges, all her great dignity are due to the perfection and dignity of her Son, the the honour which we give to Mary does not detract from the honour we give Christ. Rather, it is fitting tribute to the Son Who could fashion for Himself so great a Mother.
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