Sunday, September 13, 2009

Love your neighbour with pure and generous heart - says His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in Angelus today

...Jesus did not come to teach a philosophy but to show us a way, indeed, the way that leads to life, said Benedict XVI during todays Angelus. Taking his cue from the Gospel of the day, the Pope recalled how faith itself is dead if is not followed by deeds. Every believer, therefore, is called to testify in practice the teachings of Jesus, who by his very existence has shown us that only love can change the world. "If you love your neighbour with a pure and generous heart - explained the Pope - it means that you really know God. If you say you have faith but do not love your brothers, then your are not a true believer. God does not dwell in you. On the eve of the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy ..